Fostering the next generation of STEAM

Fostering the next generation of STEAM

This month, we are proud to shine a spotlight on Rainhouse’s unwavering dedication to innovation, sustainability, and fostering the talents of the next generation in STEAM fields. At the core of our mission is the belief in empowering students to explore their passions, develop practical skills, and pioneer innovative solutions for real-world challenges. In alignment with this vision, Rainhouse takes immense pride in sponsoring various student organizations at the University of Victoria (UVic).

Recently, our President and CEO, Ray Brougham, attended an event hosted by one of the teams we sponsor, the UVic Environmental Engineering Club (UVEEC). This event marked the launch of their Microplastic Collecting Unmanned Surface Water Vehicle (USV). Our sponsorship of UVEEC exemplifies our unwavering commitment to this cause. Through our continuous support and sponsorship of such initiatives, Rainhouse actively contributes to the creation of a brighter and more sustainable future.

Newsletter September 2023 - UVEEC_FINAL 2


You can find more information about the UVic Environmental Engineering Club (UVEEC): Here